The Bronze Bow Character Analysis

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In “The Bronze Bow” many characteristics and themes are displayed. The author uses dynamic characters to express these characteristics. Elizabeth George Speare vividly demonstrates the virtues honor, duty, and love. The first theme that was shown in the book was honor. Honor was clearly demonstrated by Samson. Samson willingly gave his life for Daniel when he was in danger. From when Daniel and Samson first met Samson showed his affection for Daniel. He would sleep so close to Daniel that Daniel could hardly stretch out. Samson would follow Daniel around very closely. He would do Daniel’s chores for him when they were living up on the mountain. Samson would carry the heavy objects for Daniel like the barrels of water. When Daniel had left …show more content…

Joel was definitely the character that demonstrated duty. Joel had an incredible life ahead of him. His future was all planned out, he was smart, he was destined for greatness. However Joel risked all of that so that he could make a vow with his friend. Joel cared so deeply about Daniel and the vow that Daniel had come up with he made that he put his incredible future in danger to take the same vow. Joel cared far more about his country's freedom from Rome then he did about his studies. He wanted to be on the mountain serving Rosh more than anything. However Joel recognized he couldn't do that, but that didn't stop him from wanting to serve Rosh and fighting the Romans. Joel did everything he was capable of from where he was at. He was ready at any moment to do whatever Rosh commanded. Even though the job Rosh asked Joel to do was risky he willingly completed it. His clever mind helped him to gather every piece of information Rosh had requested. He became a fish seller and sneaked in the slaves kitchen to collect details. Joel was aware of the danger his eagerness to be a rebel would get him in yet he still was eager. He was determined and faithful in every situation. Joel knew and respected Rosh and the vow he took. He recognized his duty, his duty to serve his country. Joel was driven and committed in everything he attempted. He was definitely one of the most if not the most honorable person in the

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