The Boy Who Dared Analysis

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“Courage is resistance to fear, Mastery of fear, Not absence of fear.”(184) This is a quote from the book The Boy Who Dared, written by Susan Campbell Bartoletti. The book is about A kid named Helmuth that lives in hamburg germany. The nazi party takes power and Helmuth doesn’t agree with everything the do. So he tries to expose germany for who they really are.Susan Campbell Bartoletti used the motifs of compliance and protection to show the theme Courage is important when facing your fears. Helmuth was strippec of his protection for being a minor.“He must keep the attention of the decides he is going to take the attention of the judges so he gets charged as an adult and they get charged for a minor.”(159). Rudi says “Come on lets get home.” …show more content…

Showing that even though he was fearful of the nazis he still managed to stand at his trial and find the will to preach for people to maybe believe his idea. In conclusion, Fear may never disappear but courage will always find a way to shine

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