The Book Thief Sparknotes

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The Book Thief is a story about a young girl, Liesel Meminger, whose parents abandon her. She is given to foster parents, whose names are Hans and Rosa Hubermann. Her parents educated her in reading and writing; a skill that would become very useful later on in the story. Liesel spends World War II with the Hubermanns’ and has very significant events happen to her during her stay. Liesel meets and becomes close friends with Rudy Steiner who falls madly in love with her. Rudy is a very active member of the Hitler Youth Association, however he has a deep hate for Hitler. This opinion of Hitler gets Rudy into some trouble later on. As Liesel grows, she begins to learn and understand more aspects of her life before the Hubermanns’. One of these …show more content…

Later in the story Liesel meets Ilsa Hermann after Liesel steals a book from the book burning. Ilsa invites Liesel to come read in her library. Ilsa leaves the window of her library open in hopes of Liesel stealing books, and Liesel’s first stolen book from the library is called The Whistler. Erik Vandenburg saves Hans’ life in the form of Erik volunteering Hans for writing the letters for the Captain. Erik is killed in battle and Hans fulfils his promise of hiding a jewish boy named Max Vandenburg in their basement. Liesel and Max become very close during this time. There are moments of fear and terror that they all go through together. There is sickness, pain, and suffering that pulls everyone closer together. One day Hans gives food to a an older looking Jew heading to a concentration camp. This results in a very negative outcome and Max must leave the basement to keep from being caught by Nazis. At this time Hans is enlisted into the military and he must go fight. Liesel is saddened by Max’s departure and eventually she sees him being taken to a concentration camp in Dachau. This is when Liesel begins to write her story in the Hubermanns’ …show more content…

He writes for the story and not the reader. Zusak wrote the Book Thief because he wanted to focus on the effects of World War II. He wrote a story of an accurate depiction of what a German family most likely experienced. The book was not ‘sugar coated’ in any way. Zusak wrote it as it is. There is a saying that war is Hell and I feel like that could be an accurate summarization of the main idea of this story. War rarely has a happy ending and the happiest one is usually the saddest. This one being that Liesel survived, which is a happy outcome, however, the rest of her family died. In life there are rarely happy endings. There is no way more than one person could ever survive a direct air raid. Zusak took that possibility of one survival and incorporated it into the story. Zusak wrote The Book Thief logically, and that made it a very compelling piece of

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