Sacrifice In The Book Thief By Markus Zusak

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A theme in “The Book Thief” by Markus Zusak is the strength of love and the way it affects others. Zusak presents this theme in the story through personal sacrifice for loved ones. Papa, Liesel's foster father, sacrifices his money/tobacco to buy books for Liesel, his foster daughter. “She came home to find something wrapped in newspaper under the Christmas tree. “From Saint Niklaus,” Papa said. Unfurling the paper she unwrapped two small books.” (Zusak,88) Leisel is ecstatic about her new present but is concerned for Papa because she knows that he doesn’t have enough money to have purchased these books. “I just wanted to know how you found the money to buy these books. A short grin was smiled into Papas spoon. “You really want to know?” “Of

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