The Big Rug: A Short Story

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On July 6th,2017 around 7:45 pm customers came in (3 woman)-and Jack and myself started flipping rugs for them to look at. when we got about 8 rugs to the bottom they pikd the rug they wanted..At that point jack got very irritated that they weren't for sure if that was the rug they were going to choose and he continued to pace and started to get angry, then the customers were talking about a rug in the smaller pile jack again being irritated and upset to the point the customers could tell that jack didn't want to pull the other rug they kinda walk off to browse around and Jack stated he's going to go up front and get hold tag because he's not pulling that f..... Rug tonight it's too late. The customers return and decide she wanted the rug …show more content…

Then myself and Jack went into the store as the other women were paying jack and I were waiting for them to unlock the door to let them out he continually bad mouthed them cursing them under his breathe and Bob says I will let them out go ahead and put the rugs back and on the way put the rugs back jack started punching the stack of rugs acting ridiculous, as we start putting the rugs back he starts throwing them and says " those stupid cunt bitches I hope they die on the way home" they do this Shit on purpose cone in and stay late to piss me off and get me upset and now im upset and they

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