Maria Vrettos Similes

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Body Image The main social issue in this novel would be body image, Karen suffers from negative body image throughout this novel since she feels she is not thin enough which causes her to become anorexic. Body Issue is an extremely common problem now for teens especially females; this is because there is an expectation to have a ?perfect? body to fit into society. These ?perfect? bodies are supposedly what models bodies look like in magazines and pictures, these standards are so high it makes it almost impossible for adolescents to be fully happy with the way their body appears. When Karen?s gym teacher calls her ?curvy? she misinterprets it for fat which makes her feel extremely insulted, ?Ms Stephens sucks, and Karen?s a freak about her …show more content…

She uses these similes so that the reader is able to compare two different things and have a better understanding of Donnie?s experiences and what he sees. A simile is used when Donnie is trying to describe how he thinks his sister looks, ?My sister is flat like a board? (Vrettos 1). Donnie is saying she is so thin that she resembles a board, she was way too thin for it to be healthy. A board is often very narrow just as his sister appears to him from the lack of food. Vrettos actually uses a second simile to describe her appearance into even further detail. The author is trying to portray to the reader how small she really is, ?My sister looks like she could fold inside a paper cup.? (Vrettos 3). After Karen?s death she looks so broken and fragile, she appears to have faded into almost nothing. Vrettos is saying that after suffering from such a horrible disorder she became so tiny from starvation that she could fit into something as small as a paper cup. Another simile is used in this novel when Donnie is describing how he feels towards his mother. He is upset that his mother doesn?t treat him his age, ?If she?d just let me keep my own medicine, not dole it out to me like I?m a drooling idiot-five-year-old, then I could take care of this myself.? (Vrettos 80). Donnie is upset that his mother treats him like a child and doesn?t let him take care of himself. Donnie wants to be able to have more …show more content…

Donnie and his sister Karen both do not have good relationships with their mom or dad. Their dad is constantly leaving the house and coming back as he wishes, this makes it so that they don?t have a good relationship with him. Their father also doesn?t like talking about his childhood and past which makes it even harder to have any sort of relationship with him. Their mom and dad are always finding new things to fight about which doesn?t leave them that much time to develop a good relationship with their kids. Whenever Donnie hears them fighting he stay outside on the porch until either they tell him to come in or Karen yells at them to let him in, ?She?d never go inside. She?d just lean in and yell something like ?Mom its six thirty and Donnie needs his dinner!? ?(Vrettos 24). Donnie never wanted to interfere with their arguments, all he wanted was for them to get along

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