The Bhagavad Gita

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The Bhagavad Gita is a powerful religious text of ancient India due to its rich elements, ideas, and themes, particularly that of dharma. According to the Ancient History Encyclopedia, “It was written around 400 B.C.E and 200 C.E. Although we do not know who the true author is, credit is given to a man named Vyasa. It was written during a time of social transformation in India. Monarchies were increasing in size, trade grew rapidly with various countries, and there was an emphasis on spirituality.” The Bhagavad Gita is about the pursuit for tranquility, peace, and stability in a world of constant change and how to incorporate sacred beliefs into one’s life on a daily basis.
In regards to Hinduism, dharma is referred to strict law that regulates …show more content…

By following it, Hindus are worshipping God. An example of this is when Christians follow the Ten Commandments and more advice from The Bible. For Hindus, God is the greatest good. The purpose of life is to do good to others and have an intimate relationship with him. They want to follow dharma they best that they can in order to have their soul satisfied if they encounter God. The reason I mention the word “if” is because bad deeds lead to reincarnation and that is why Hindus take dharma very seriously. What is right and wrong according to one’s mind may not be true at all; therefore, in order to practice dharma, Hindus are advised to rely on sacred …show more content…

According to Hindus, Krishna is omnipresent and omnipotent. He is all-powerful and unlimited unlike humans, who are limited in every aspect. Everything, whether living or dead, was created by the Lord. The Lord is the provider of everything in this life. This can also be seen in Christianity and Judaism. An individual who understands these concepts knows that he or she can never truly claim any material thing as their own; but, uses everything in this world to serve the Lord. Hindus would argue that people in the world know God in different forms and that is why there are so many religions. The true way to know Him intimately is to worship him in love and devotion. Krishna surpasses all the other gods and goddess in Hinduism. He is the supreme God and has a strong personality. He does not attach himself to the ways of men, rather the love of his followers bind him to the world. The Bhagavad Gita is supposed to be Krishna’s spoken words to his creation of the human race. In this work of literature, he gives practical ways to attain unity with him in heaven. The purification and perfection of this life is to give love and worship to the Lord. Worship is a way of life and dharma is a Hindu’s worship. Hindus believe that when an individual lives a life of pure dedication

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