The Benefits Of Social Enterprise

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Social enterprise in last decade has been in core and certainly has shown great potential in becoming the next big thing. Its advocates put forward an aspiring plan of generating jobs, offering training programs and evolving local services in areas of serious and long-standing deficiency, while holding on the prospect of self generating income business model rather than relying of government aid or other grant. (Dees, 1998) What does social entrepreneurship really mean? What does it take to be a social entrepreneur? ‘Social entrepreneurs are not content just to give a fish, or teach how to fish. They will not rest until they have revolutionized the fishing industry.’ Bill Drayton, Ashoka

Social entrepreneurs is someone who identify problems …show more content…

In past the organizations that have been addressing social, cultural and environmental issues have traditionally been NGO’s and NPO’s who heavily rely on donations from charity or government grants to increase up their activities to resolve the social issue. Social enterprise on the other hand due to its unique hybrid business model replaces donation/grant dependency with its business profits. The most obvious of social enterprise’s potential benefits is the opportunity to gain financial sustainability and independence. Great example social enterprise that has gained financial liberation is Ciudad Saludable (“Healthy City”) who with their unique business model has achieved a sustainable income stream of roughly $18.5 million annually. Another advantage of social enterprise is being table to quickly scale up their activities to serve large community. Where conventional funding model through charity and grants have difficulties in growing in size or scope to serve larger community. The financial independence help social enterprise to invest funds in new services which allows them to invest in growth of the business and social service. With this, social enterprise aids organization to go further. (Smith B, Cronley, & and Barr, …show more content…

These include social attitudes towards SE’s, values and norms plus religious principles and usual cultural aspects. In addition to above, legal framework and taxation systems could also play a positive role in the growth of SE’s. Nevertheless, social enterprise faces more or less similar challenges when it comes to running their activities and operations. However there is some unique challenge that SE’s face in comparison to traditional organization when delivering the social value, social impact. Some of them are mentioned

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