The Pros And Cons Of Social Responsibility

537 Words2 Pages

Where profit is concerned, the idea of social responsibility has always been linked hand in hand. Social responsibility is that ‘X Factor’ in which a business or individual goes beyond the requirement of a law to pursue short and long term goals to benefit society. It is having an interest not only in your wellbeing, but taking into account the interests and concerns of the community as well. Friedman tries to prove that by taking into account social responsibility a business will fail in the long run and has no obligation of social responsibility to begin with. There are two major supporting arguments brought up by Friedman which I will address in this essay. First, that “a corporation is an artificial person and therefore cannot be socially responsible”. Second is that “if social responsibility is exercised it is acting against the shareholders, owners of the business”. In summary, their main goal should be to act in their shareholders' best interests and that acting "responsibly" would ultimately harm a business’s profit and in terns its shareholders in the name of being so...

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