Computer Career Research Paper

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There are 4 different ways to obtain the training and education required to be a computer engineer. One way is to get a high school education, then go to college and earn a bachelor's degree, two once you are done with those two major steps you should choose what you want to specialize in specifically.Three After you have figured out what you want to specialize in, you should participate in an internship program that would improve your computer career. Four After you have done all of that you should figure out some certification options so you can begin your career in computers. It will take a me approximately 9 years to receive the education/training. To begin, the education/training for a computer programmer it will take approximately four …show more content…

To be a computer programer it is important to become very acquainted with math, science and social studies, plus you should know the in’s and out’s of a computer. Knowing math, science and social studies are a good skill to have to be a computer programmer because mostly everything dealing with a computer involves math. Also, science is a helpful talent to go into this particular career due to the nature of science being involved with mainly everything about computer from how many watts it will use, to how many LED’s the screen lighting will have in order to brighten the entire screen.It is important to have experience with computer, math, science and social studies to be successful in computer programming. Most computer programmer are required to have experience with math, science and social studies to be successful. Calculus is a class that you could take in high school to gain experience needed. Another way to gain experience is to take a computer science course that emphasize structure programming in high-level languages or take an advance placement test if …show more content…

One challenge that a computer programmer must deal with or will face daily is knowing what your user wants, meaning that programmers think one way and business users and ordinary people think a different way. Another is keeping up with technology, programmers can never stop learning. Meaning that the pace of change and progress is only accelerating and computer programmers must find time to keep up with important changes that affect them. If they don't want to be stuck in a corner in a bank somewhere till they retire, they must keep learning and keep developing their skills. However , an advantage to being a computer programmer is the ability to write the computer code which enables a computer to perform certain tasks. They also can work in almost every industry you can think of or imagine, this includes the engineering, educational and medical

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