The Ballot Or The Bullet: The Radical Visionary Malcolm X

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Dylan Abro
Mrs. Greer
Junior English per. 6
20 February 2017
The radical visionary Malcolm X
“ You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom”(Malcolm X). Growing up Malcolm X was told that because of the color of his skin he would not make it as a “somebody “ therefore in his older years, he became a militant black leader. He wrote famous speeches such as “The Ballot or the Bullet”. Malcolm X is arguably one of the most revolutionizing figures in America for playing a huge role as a human rights activist and a black leader during the civil rights era, for being a key spokesman for the Nation of Islam, and his miraculous attempt to preach and fight for the end of racism and violence against his …show more content…

Malcolm X went to multiple states to promote the Nation of Islam and preach for the end of discrimination against African Americans. “Malcolm X was the voice of a Black America whose parents had borne the sights of second-class citizenship, who had seen protesters beaten by cops and bitten by dogs, and children bombed in churches, and could only sit at home and stew”(Coates). This sentence represents some of the struggles African Americans went through during that time period. Soon later Malcolm X delivered his famous speech. “ One of his most notable speeches, “The Ballot or the Bullet,” in which he urged black people to submerge their differences and realize that it is best for us to first see that we have the same problem, a common problem-a problem that will make you catch hell whether you are a Baptist, or a Methodist, or a Muslim, or a Nationalist”(Carson).
What Malcolm X is explained in The Ballot or the Bullet is that black people can't vote and if the government continued to prevent black people from attaining full equality, it is probably necessary to take out the firearms. This speech soon became 7th on the top 100 American speeches of the 20th century. In March 1964, Malcolm X left the Nation of Islam. Soon his radical views start to die down with it. Malcolm X will then realize that people in all colors are worshiping Allah. “ …show more content…

When Malcolm was in prison, he learned about the Nation of Islam. After leaving prison, he changed his name to Malcolm X then joining the Nation of Islam. Malcolm X is then known for his remarkable speeches and for being a civil rights activist. He traveled to parts of the U.S. and out of the country to speak against violence and racism. Malcolm X leaves the Nation of Islam and joins a new organization called the Muslim mosque. Malcolm X was willing to join any forces with less radical views. The Black Muslims blow up his house and then soon murder, Malcolm

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