The Aztecs In Latin America

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The continent that the Aztecs are from is South America but really north of South America. Their landforms that they had not that much land to farm on. They lived on a lake so it was really difficult to farm until. They had the idea to farm on boats so they got fresh soil and put it in the boats. After that they would apply seeds and water them and let them sit for a few days to see if it would actually work. It did and with it it made farming a lot easier than before. Some of the important places were temples and palaces and the city Tenochtitlan which is the city on the lake but today is now Mexico. In 1325 the aztecs built the city Tenochtitlan which is the site of Mexico city today. The Aztecs turned into paid warriors for local …show more content…

Itzcoatl who was a leader from 1427 to 1440. Montezuma the 1st was leader from 1440 to 1469. Axayacatl was leader from 1469 to 1481. Tizoc was leader from 1481 to 1486. Ahuitzotl was leader from 1486 to 1502. Montezuma the 2nd was leader from 1502 to 1520. Those are some of the leaders. They used these things called chinampas that helped them grow crops a lot easier than normal. They grew corn, squash, and peppers. They grew all of this on the chinampas. The men usually hunted near the lake and with the food and population grew. Social Order (customs, education, family life, class and caste, leisure activities, decision-making, gender roles) The main classes were nobles (landowners and priests) they were the most powerful before the emperor came into play. After that was the artisans and merchants they made up the intermediate class. After that came the commoners this group was the largest group of them all they were mostly farmers, craftspeople, soldiers and serfs. Slaves were at the bottom of the classes. They had public ceremonies, prayed to agricultural gods for good harvests. Priests kept calendars. Sometimes war prisoners were sacrificed to the

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