Characteristics Of The Aztec Empire

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The Aztec Empire is one of the most documented and well known empires that flourish between 1345- 1521 CE. The Aztec empire originated as nomadic tribes from northern Mexico that later settle in their capital Tenochtitlan, modern day Mexico City. During its reign the Aztec Empire was one of the largest empires in Mesoamerica that control what is known today as Mexico and Central America and ruled over 15 million people during its time. Even though the Aztec Empire was known for their vicious warfare and religion, the Aztec empire can be considered one of the most sophisticated and intelligent civilization at that time, which can be exemplified through their societies numerous achievements in their craft, culture, organized social structure …show more content…

Chinampa can be described as rectangular enclosures that were filled with mud and decaying matter that is raise above the surface of the water. Another achievement that the Aztec’s were known for is there discovery of popcorn, chewing gum and chocolate. Corn was the staple of the Aztec diet and used to make tortillas and used for ornaments on headdresses of the nobility and priests. Chewing gum was also discovered by the Aztecs; it came from sap of the sapodilla tree and was referred to as “chicle” in Aztec society. Along with popcorn and chewing gum, chocolate was used by the Aztecs. Chocolate was considered highly expensive and consider a luxury and often use as currency as well, it was commonly used in sacrificial events and reserved for the noble classes. Cacahuatl was an early form of chocolate drink that the Aztecs

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