The American Dream: To Get Rich Quick

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Traditionally, Americans have sought to realize the American dream of

success, fame and wealth through thrift and hard work. However, the

industrialization of the 19th and 20th centuries began to erode the

dream, replacing it with a philosophy of "get rich quick". A variety

of seductive but elusive strategies have evolved, and today the three

leading ways to instant wealth are large-prize television game shows,

big-jackpot state lotteries and compensation lawsuits. In this

article, Matthew Warshauer, Professor of History at Central

Connecticut State University, examines why so many Americans are

persuaded to seek these easy ways to their dream.

How does one achieve the American Dream? The answer undoubtedly

depends upon one’s definition of the Dream, and there are many from

which to choose. John Winthrop envisioned a religious paradise in a

"City upon a Hill." Martin Luther King, Jr. dreamed of racial

equality. Both men yearned for what they perceived as perfection.

Scholars have recognized widely varying conceptions of these quests

for American excellence. One component of the American Dream seems,

however, to be fairly consistent: the quest for money. Few will deny

that Americans are intently focused on the “almighty dollar.” In a

society dedicated to capitalism and the maxim that, “the one who dies

with the most toys wins,” the ability to purchase a big house and a

nice car separates those who are considered successful from those who

are not. Yet the question remains, how does one achieve this

success? How is the Dream realized? For many Americans the formula

is one of instant, albeit elusive, gratification. Rather than

adhering to a traditional work ethic, far too many Americans are

pinning their hopes on what they perceive as “easy” money. This

article focuses on three phenomena in contemporary American society

that have successfully captured the quest for the American Dream.

Savvy marketers have convinced their audiences that a new wave of

television game shows, lottery luck, and lucrative lawsuits are the

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