The American Dream Compared To The 1960's

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I located a picture of a family from the 1960’s who look like they are living the American dream. It is a picture of a mom, dad, and their three children. Also in the photo, you will notice that they are standing in front of their beautiful, big home. I think that the American dream for people in the 1960’s was being married, having children, providing for your family by having a steady job, and owning their own home in the suburbs, a car, along with the white picket fence of course. The American dream in the 1960’s also consisted of freedom, the rights of men and women, peace, for children to be well educated and equality. The American dream has always been equated with freedom and material prosperity.
Here is the link to the photo from the …show more content…

I say this because today, although we do strive to have a family, a car, a house, and a good job, we do not strive as much for freedom or equal rights like we did in the 1960’s. Today women have rights, races can interact with each other, we have peace for the most part, and today, we all strive for different things in life. It depends on what we want as individuals. I also think that in society today, we strive for more than just a car and a house. We need a more expensive car and an even bigger house. We want other things that give us pleasure such as boats, R.V.’s, jet skis, four-wheelers, luxurious vacations, I-pads, I-phones, and laptops. Now obviously, this stuff was not available to people in the 1960’s but, I do think that people want more material possessions now than ever. I do believe that anyone who is willing to work and hard and fight for what they want can achieve the American dream and thus making it welcome to anyone who wants that for themselves. My American Dream was to get married, have kids, and have a job I loved going to everyday. I did have some of those but not in that order. Now my priorities have changed for my American dream. I am more focused on getting my Master’s degree and continuing my education, so that I can provide for my children and myself. As years passed, the American dream became about the acquisition of material things. Instead of trying to

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