The Advancement of Technology and Techniques in Human Cloning

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Technology and techniques in human cloning are advancing every day. The future of human cloning could hold great promise in solving some of society's most troubling issues such as solving infertility, curing fatal and non-fatal diseases; healing, discovering new and easier ways to transplant organs, and much more. With the breakthroughs in science achieved by scientists in the past and present; human cloning could one day be accepted by society. Human cloning could not only help provide a larger range of diversity, but also help to improve the well-being of society in many ways.
The most frequently expressed concern about human cloning is that it’s “unethical”. Society contradicts itself by providing numerous bioethicists with deep religious convictions who have provided great contributions in cloning (Cowen). At one point in time, In Vitro Fertilization was considered unethical, but now many religious groups embrace it (Easterbrook). Many ethicists don’t even oppose cloning. They’re actually more concerned about the genetic engineering that could result. Genetic engineering is when a scientist deliberately tries to manipulate the genes of an organism to enhance its abilities and create a superior species. Some say that these ethical arguments regarding cloning are just a repeat when the Europeans came to the “New World” in the 16th century and started to question their own humanity (Wray).
The development of human cloning was started not too long ago. For example, on July 25, 1978, the first “test-tube baby” was born using in vitro fertilization technology. The baby was named Louise Joy Brown and she is still alive today. What stimulated the possibilities of cloning research even more was the fact that in the 1980’s, the Sup...

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...r improve itself. Since Neanderthals had a larger cranial size, they could think differently than most modern day humans. They could also be smarter than present day humans. Church quotes, “When the time comes to deal with an epidemic or getting off the planet, it’s conceivable that their way of thinking could be beneficial.” The only setback to accomplishing this feat is that human cloning must be acceptable (Bethge). All these techniques and methods could further develop the knowledge of what humans actually are.
Human cloning could help society accomplish many of its goals. With it, patients can be treated and cured faster than having to wait for an organ transplant and frequently dying while waiting. Individuals wouldn’t have to see their loved ones die young or in vain. Human cloning could bring more frontiers in science into play than could ever be imagined.

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