Thank You M Am, By Langston Hughes

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Around the world, people present stories to each other. Langston Hughes composed the short story, “Thank You M’am”, that displays a lesson about life to the world. There are two different characters in the story that both faced challenges. One of the characters is surprised by an act of kindness and didn’t know who to trust. On the other hand, Mrs. Jones was attacked and she emphasized him. Also, they both had difficult lives as a child. Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones, also known as Mrs. Jones, was a victim of an attempted robbery and instead of turning in the robber to the police, she chose to be gracious. During the robbery, she faced her challenge head-on and fought back as mentioned in paragraph one. Right after the attempt when Mrs. …show more content…

Jones’s act of kindness. She could have called the police or punished him, but instead, she helped and set him on the right path. For example, in the text, it stated, “No’m,” said the being dragged boy. “I just want you to turn me loose.” Before this, Roger had been asked by Mrs. Jones, who knew that if the boy was stealing a pair of shoes, he might not have had the best home life, if he was hungry, and he which he responded back with no. Another example of why it was obvious Roger was having a hard time trusting Mrs. Jones was when he was finally in her house and was turned loose, he was told to wash his face but had a chance to escape. This was when he had to decide whether to trust the woman or to run. Roger looked at the door- looked at the woman -looked at the door and went to the sink. This showed Roger had finally begun to let his guard down and he had decided to listen to Mrs. Jones and wash his face. Roger’s main challenge, however, was that he didn’t have the best life at home or much money. If Roger had the money or was taught well as a child he wouldn’t have tried to rob Mrs. Jones. In line 27 and 28, Mrs. Jones asked him if he had been to supper and Roger responds back telling her that there was no one at his house. This shows that Roger parents most likely wasn’t with him anymore and that he didn't have any

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