Texting And Driving Affecting Today's Society

1951 Words4 Pages

Ga young Shin
Professor Wallace
English 101
18 May 2018
Texting and Driving Texting and driving are an important issue affecting today’s society. Texting and driving can cost someone else’s life; in addition, killing someone can cause offenders to have a lot of guilt. It can also cause injuries, higher insurance rates, as well as expensive medical bills. Given these potential negative outcomes, why do people text and drive? Many young adults or teenagers using smartphones can overestimate their ability to multitask while driving; especially if they are inexperienced they may also be addicted to their phones. People also get bored while driving alone or with young kids. Texting and driving indicate that is a text worth someone’s life, texting …show more content…

Many teenagers or adults addicted to smartphones these day’s and technology is getting bigger and bigger even social media is a rounded in our population. When you are driving alone do you get bored easily? When you get bored do you text someone while driving or do you accept text messages? This is the significant issue in our society. It is hard to be without them for even a few minutes or hours. The cell phone addiction can cause a car accident while driving because we know we should not use cell phones when we are driving, it is not easy because we are already addicted to phones, and if message ring during the driving, the gaze will naturally turn into a cell phone, so that many teenager drivers die every day and injured. However, many teenagers are addicted to their cell phones, so it is most likely cause to be aware that they are not aware of the danger of texting while driving. These dangers are not enough to ruin the lives of teens, to regret and to prevent them from losing their families and …show more content…

“PTSD can affect individuals directly involved in a texting and driving accident as well as witnesses, emergency workers, and friends or family members”. This description symbolizes that when you are text while drive and got an injury or death, the PTSD is part of traumatic stress syndrome and it affects psychological pain may increase even more. Additionally, other consequences signify that the times of grief, there are some five stages introduce which is denial, anger, and depression. One of my personal experience is that my cousin his name is Josh Kim, he was a nurse and every day he worked full time at the hospital. Josh was a very lovely man in our family, so when he was fully done working, he was about to go home and driving on the local street, then he was waiting for the traffic light, but suddenly a car ran in the middle of the crossroad from far away, but the car hit my uncle’s car and my uncle’s car was overturned. After this happening, he went to the emergency room and we got a call from his friend James he called us to come into the hospital to see uncle

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