Texting Affecting Teens

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Teens and Texting In this era of modern technology, I bet you that there’s not a place where you can’t see a teen mindlessly texting away on their cell phones. You might start to question if texting is actually more harmful to teens than helpful. Our advancement in technology has allowed us to communicate wirelessly through tiny mobile devices which youth of our days should and have taken advantage of, texting an average of 50 texts per day. Many can argue that texting is actually hurting today’s teens, but I stand to differ. Texting is not taking a toll on today’s teens by being convenient, could improve language skills, and providing emotional relief. Have you ever been in a situation where you needed to contact someone A.S.A.P but you have no way of getting to them? Having the ability to text is an exceptionally quick and convenient way of communication. Phone calls …show more content…

I surveyed various classmates and 100% of them agree that texting does indeed make them feel more confident rather than talking in person. Texting is less intimidating than directly talking and it provides less stress for people with social anxiety, because it reduces the nervousness of talking to people. In a study by Israeli researchers, it showed that teens that start texting while in a distressed mood are in a better state after texting with a friend. When I am upset about something, ranting to my friends via texting makes my mood improve rapidly and is something I like to rely on. Teenagers that text frequently may experience emotional relief and it could even strengthen friendships. Teens may feel more relaxed and confident opening up through text and are more willing to text more, than what they would say in person. I'm not a very social teen, but behind texts, I'm much more forward and talkative which is a great benefit, and much less worrisome than taking

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