Tension In Just Lather, That's All

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“Just Lather, That’s All” is told from the first person point of view of the barber. This perspective contributes to the overall tense mood of the story by giving the reader an insight into the barber’s thoughts, emotion, and worries. One instance where the tension is evident is when the barber considers killing Captain Torres and wonders, “And what of all this? Murderer or hero? My destiny depends on the edge of this blade” (Tellez 3). The anticipation of whether the barber will murder his customer or simply give him a shave, is intensified in this moment due to the story being told from the first person point of view. Revealing the barber’s indecisive inner thoughts, as well as his intentions of murdering Torres, is important to creating tension and anxiety about whether or not he will commit the crime.

One specific way in which suspense is developed within this story is through the uncertainty in the barber’s thoughts about what decision he will make. The barber’s indecisiveness is illustrated when he questions his own thoughts, “how easy it would be to kill him. And he deserves it. Does he?” (Tellez 3). In this quotation, suspense is developed using the unsurety in the barber’s thoughts. The situation that is described by the …show more content…

This quotation illustrates the movement of blood after committing the crime, and paints a picture of the scene in the reader’s mind. Furthermore, the imagery in this moment is important to emphasize how much of a dilemma the barber is facing, as well as the fact that murder is an option he is so close to choosing. This description also builds suspense in the story, as his thoughts cause the reader to wonder if the barber will succumb to his murderous

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