Television: The Greatest Importance Of Television

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Nowadays, we are all surrounded by different sources of information. Television, in particular, is one of the greatest achievements of humankind. It is an invention, without which the modern person can’t do. However, the importance of its value is interpreted variously. Personally, I think that it is as a boon to mankind.

First of all, it cannot be denied that television provides us with a wealth of entertainment. It has been turned into the single most popular activity in millions of homes worldwide due to the huge variety of programs that are available. The mass appeal of reality and TV shows means that many of the traditional forms of entertainment, like playing sports, have been almost entirely replaced. By pressing several simple buttons, …show more content…

It has a political, humanitarian and cultural aspect. The news is displayed with a visual element and this helps me, personally, to more easily apprehend the situation, when I see it, rather than when I read about it. Thanks to the great power of television and its ubiquity, the news reaches a maximum number of people worldwide. In this way, television helps people stay more connected. Its main purpose is not to discuss certain events, but to present the latest information and to be first at doing that.What is more, the footages, shown on TV, are short and informative and present the most important aspect of the day in an interesting way. Often people who are in need or someone has violated with their human rights are the main characters. This usually engages our sympathy and reaches the hearts of many people. Also, television programs analyze current affairs and give an opportunity to renowned people society, who are well-educated and have analytical thinking and shrewd ideas to speak their mind. Finally, television can tell us immediately if something has happened, while with newspapers, for instance, the path is quite longer and more complex. We can learn about the certain event only after a

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