Television Influence

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The impact that television has on society is apparent through the amount of television programs that have been created since its inception. The television set has become a stable form of entertainment for families across the nation. The information we received from it over the years has shaped our culture immensely. Since its inception, gathering around the television set has become a common practice for families to spend time together. The amount of time people spend watching television has progressively increased year after year. Today’s culture is obsessed with positioning itself in front of a television set motionlessly for countless hours every day. Sitting in front of the television is a daily practice routine for many people. After work, school, or dinner, people spend their remaining hours before bed not socializing with each other but instead watching their favorite television programs. In today’s culture family time primarily consists of time spent indulging in food and time spent in front of a television set. In the past many homes only had a single television set which was usually placed in the living room. Today it would be a rare occurrence to find any home with just one television set inside the house. Television is heavily relied upon in today’s culture to the point where people of society can’t go even a single day without switching on a television set. Instead of reading a newspaper to keep up with current trends, entertainment, or news, people rely upon a television to relay that type of information. People rely heavily upon the television set that it has affected the way people socialize with one another. Even the children of today aren’t invulnerable to the effects of the television pandemic. Televisions were ...

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... was first introduced to the world the television has developed a long list of viewers. The television set has played a fundamental role in forming society to what it is today. The television set has become a source of information whether a reliable or unreliable source of it. People around the world can observe the culture of other countries. People of the current generation have the ability to see the culture of the past generations. Television programs were created around the beliefs of society. The television influences people into performing certain actions such as contributing money to help children in need. Advertising agencies are manipulating society into buying material objects by strategically having advertisements aired to a certain consensus at the right time. All in all the television plays a pivotal role in shaping the life of people in this culture.

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