Telecommunications and Networking Report

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Telecommunications and Networking Report

1.“Free Web Services Challenge AOL’s Dominance” - Internet business analysts generally are not yet convinced of the viability of the free web service business model for bring profitable. None-the-less, most agree that the free access will probably take a significant chunk of AOL’s market share before running out of investor’s money.

2.“ Builds White Pages for Web Phone Calls” - has unveiled plans to simplify the routing of phone calls over the Internet. They will provide a directory service which will provide subscribers with a unique 12 digit Internet phone number. The directory will capture user’s current IP address and update their database, serving as a switchboard for Internet phone calls which are routed over IP. This solves a major problem with the fact that IP addresses change for users as they move from computer to computer.

3.“Cisco to But Software Maker for $325 Million” – Cisco Systems agreed to acquire WebLine Communications, a software maker producing e-mail routing and collaborating software. WebLine is to be assimilated into Cisco’s Applications Technology Group. This was Cisco’s 12th acquisition this year.

4.“Firm Agrees to Purchase Cable-Modem Technology” – Intel agreed to purchase the cable modem technology of Stanford Telecommunications, Inc. The deal puts Intel face to face in the marketplace with Broadcom Corp., which currently holds the majority market share for cable modem chips.

5.“Qualcomm Pact Targets Wireless Network Products” – Lucent Technologies signed a development agreement with Qualcomm to product wireless networking equipment. Qualcomm will give its CDMA technology, including chips and software to Lucent. Lucent plans to have trial systems utilizing the technology in place next year.

6.“MCI Worldcom, Sprint Ponder Merger” – The world’s second and third largest long-distance carriers are in talks are in talks over a possible merger. The deal would give MCI it’s only nationwide wireless network. An obvious stumbling block over such a large telcom merger would be close scrutiny by regulators. It is also expected that regional Bell companies may soon have permission to compete in the long distance market as well.

7.“Earthlink and MindSpring to Merge, Forming No. 2 Internet Access Firm” – This deal makes the new Internet Provider second only to AOL. The combined company will have 3 million subscribers, still a far cry from AOL’s 18 million, but none-the-less a viable competitor.

8. “Teledesic ‘Sky Internet’ May Start Sooner” – Teledesic chief Craig McCaw is attempting to raise funds for his planned ‘Sky Internet.

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