Teens On Top Mission Statement

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Teens on Top (TOP) Behavioral Health Prevention Program Program Design Mission Statement There are over four-hundred thousand children in foster care with approximately twenty percent of those being teenagers ages sixteen to twenty years old. Unfortunately, one in five of those teenagers will emancipate themselves because they do not get adopted and age out of foster care services; leavings these teenagers with the responsibility but without the knowledge of finishing high school or applying to college, getting health insurance, independent living skills, or even a place to live. Teens on Top is here to help teens transitioning out of foster care manage the daunting task of independent living, as well as process their situation and provide adequate mental health wellness. Program Vision Studies show that teens that check themselves out or age out of foster care having a higher likelihood to drop out of high school and have no intentions of continuing education, receive unemployment and other public assistance, …show more content…

Our number one and most important stakeholder is the Teens on Top teen themselves. Since Teens on Top is responsible for secondary prevention, which essentially is addressing an illness in its early stages (Straub, 2014) since many of our teens came into care already having had traumatic early life experiences and pre-existing mental conditions. In addition, other stakeholders in the program include: behavior specialists, life coaches, local counseling agencies to provide psychological and coping services, financial counselors, and employment guidance. Our goal is to create an individualized care program to best help support our teens in hopes of setting them up for personal success as well as functional integration into their

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