Empowerment Theory, From A Macro Theory Of Homelessness

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When examining the issues with homelessness and in particular youth homelessness one may use Empowerment Theory as well as Political Economy Theory to seek answers to definitive questions. Questions such as are homeless youth empowered? Do they have access to wealth? What about their access to information or their reputation in society? They are not in any decision making positions, they lack a high status, and policies that are created which can affect them rarely take their input into account as they are also unable to vote. They are often on their own with few connections that can help to change their situation. Both a city and a larger state system are struggling to identify with this population and in turn often do not provide the appropriate level of assistance. By social empowerment and understanding the dynamics of political economy theory one can help guide the city and state levels to address the issue of youth homelessness.
An empowerment theory from a macro perspective on the city and state levels can be defined as the “process of increasing personal, interpersonal or political power so that individuals can take action to improve their life situations,” (Kirst-Ashman, 2014). The empowerment in this environment would seek to provide information to the affected youths and the agencies assisting them as this knowledge is crucial if they are to address the laws and policies that impact the homeless. Through a continuous process people with fewer resources gradually gain greater access and allow people a chance to take action and grant themselves power over their own lives and futures. The macro social environment is what sets the stage for what few resources and opportunities are available to the homeless youth and this is...

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...d larger agencies must be involved to strengthen their ability to serve the population. And that bringing together the stakeholders from across the spectrum can help to provide the continuum of care by consolidating resources and bringing services together. When homeless youths do enter into an agency for assistance, an aggressive screening process of health services should take place as most states allow minors to consent to treatment for drug and alcohol problems as well as mental health issues and sexually transmitted diseases (Robertson, 2012). Cities and states can also be proactive in monitoring foster homes and ensuring that the youths in the care of these homes are safe and being treated fairly. This is a preventative measure that could help to prevent problems from getting out of control and causing youths to flee the foster home for a life on the street.

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