Teenage Year Research Paper

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Teenagers may have it harder then adults will admit or recognize. If they remember or not chances are they faced difficulties in their teenage years, this is unavoidable, but teenagers now have some more on their plate. Teenage years are the transition from childhood into adulthood, our bodies are physically and mentally changing in incredible ways. On top of those changes teenagers are dealing with a new increase in responsibility and demands from peers and elders. Understandably, they still require some form of social interaction but this can cause threats such as bullying. You can make a teenagers life easier by ensuring and altering some things in their life. Our bodies change through puberty, most anyone nine and up are aware of this …show more content…

An important marker of the teenage world is highschool. In highschool the school work is increased as well as responsibilities elsewhere. It can become incredibly overwhelming, especially now with the pressure of college around the corner. Each year of highschool comes with new challenges. Freshman year is one of the most notable because it is the first year in a new place. Aside from work (inside and outside of school) the teenager is truly discovering themselves. They are finding who and what they like and what their personality or style is. It is likely that teenagers will be happy to tell you of the struggles they find themselves dealing with, you may find their complaints to be dramatic, and although they may be the complaints likely aren't too far stretched. If you were to look back on a scary memory, for example, someone playing a prank on you. If you were to describe the event, you would describe it the way you remembered it and all the terrifying details. If you were to watch a video of it you would likely find you stretched the story. Just like the teenager, you weren't trying to lie or stretch a story you were simply recalling the memory and sharing what you experienced. After this experiment, reflect back on the fact that teenagers are going through a brain remodel, in a new environment with new responsibilities their emotions are going crazy (not to mention the amount of hormones pumping through them alter even more). The way to help this chaos is to ensure your teenager has some stability and a routine in their life. They will need a safe spot and a safe person, they will also need a routine to make sure they are balancing work and recreation. A routine can also help feeling more secure as they will with a safe spot and a person to guide and comfort

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