Teenage Survival Quotes

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‘That was last year, sir! Things are different now! Everything is different! I’m different!’ (P. 64). This quote means that through the encouragement, friendship and guidance, Will’s dignity and property has become true to those qualities. Through the loss of his dad, he avoided the truth and repercussions indicating his avoidance for his feelings. He hides behind the stereotypical ‘male’, tough, strong, no insecurities and no emotional feelings. He is trying to disguise himself as someone who he isn’t. I’d like to thank the Logan City Council for inviting me to address a meeting of interested parents on the topic of Teenage Survival. What does it mean to be a teenage survivor? It is resilience through difficult times, as a teenager. Adolescence …show more content…

Something Will thought he was. He was the supposed jock that didn’t have any insecurities, he didn’t have any emotions, and he was locked out. It is very easy to put people into types for the convenience to make fun of them in the schoolyard. 'We were mongrels, a hybrid of all the groups: a couple of footy-heads, soccer players, good students and musos, assorted Filipinos, Lebs, wogs and skips' (p. 28). Everyone went to the group they thought they had to identify themselves with, they thought that’s what they had to do. Will adopts himself a stereotype within the book, 'I was a soccer-playing skip, an honorary wog' (p. 29). He doesn’t want to be in the musical as his stereotype of how people perceive him will be changed. He is insecure and concerned about others viewing him as ‘geeky’, ‘gay’ or a ‘girl’. He doesn’t want the feel of public humiliation on him, he even avoids Mark within the schoolyard as he doesn’t want to be associated with him and to be called ‘gay’. Mark defied the definition of stereotypes. He played football, was a lead in the musical, and was gay. Through the assumptions of people around him, if they knew him and didn’t bother to judge him on his looks, he would be seen as Mark, not as a football player or a

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