Teenage Temperament Essay

863 Words2 Pages

Adenike Adio
Professor Amundsen
Psychology 2314
15 March 2016 Teenage Parent with Temperament Infant Most teens crush their dreams of great future, most of the teenage parents don’t plan to get pregnant, but it happens anyways. Teenage pregnancy is a problem for all involved. It puts a great strain on the parents, especially the mother, who is more likely to struggle to deal with parenthood. Teen mother may face complications such as premature labor, medical complication during the pregnancy period, at childbirth or after childbirth and are likely to drop out of school. Caring for their child makes it difficult for them to continue their schooling, and this makes it difficult for them to find and keep well-paying
However, how parents react to their child’s temperament can affect the child and their overall well-being. Each type of requires a parent who understands their temperament and can adjust to their demands in ways that create positive interactions for the child. Teen mothers are more likely to have difficulties in dealing with temperament babies, because of immaturity and inexperience. Taking care of babies can be tiring and depressing at times for an adult mothers, for teen mothers, it will be more overwhelm, which cause physical stress and this can lead to emotional stress and depression. Parents’ depression is associated with a negative impact on their children’s emotional, behavioral, and cognitive, and social well-being (Billings and Moos, 1983).
The difficult temperament child reacts to the world negatively and intensely. They require patience, extra time, and guidance. However, a teen parent needs to understand how their child responds to certain situations, they have to learn to anticipate issues that might present difficulties for their child. Avoid name calling of the child instead focus on strengths, look for positivity. Also, give attention, affection and provide a well-nourished food for the

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