Teenage Decision: Teen Decision Making: Now Or Never

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Teenager Decision Making: Now or Never “I am most impressed with someone who can make a decision. Even if the decision turns out not to be the right choice, at least a decision was made”-Donald Trump, the candidate for President of the United States in the 2016 presidential election. Although this quotation seems understandable, the practice of making a decision is not easy. Decision-making will always be needed in life. Dealing with decision should be known to teenagers in order to let them know about its values. Nowadays, most parents think that teenagers are not old enough to think further because of their age are too young. However, parents should gradually let teens make their own decision because it will teach them about independence, …show more content…

Nevertheless, teens need to be independent. Parents should let teens make their own stand point and guide them while making decision. If teens always keep on parent’s decision track, what is going to happen when they should go out from their parent’s shadow to do things for themselves for the first (www.prezi.com)? They will not know what to do. For example, let teens manage their time independently about time for school, tidying up their room, doing homework, taking care for their health and body, also their leisure time. It cannot be denied that there will be some mistakes when teenagers make a decision on managing their time. It is normal to have any mistakes while learning. In this case, parents should keep supporting their teens. Moreover, when teens are independent for making decision, it leads them how to be responsible on what they have already …show more content…

Francine. (2011, October 26). Parents should let teenagers make their own decisions. Retrieved October 29th, 2015, from www.mynutelladiary.blogspot.co.id/2011/10/parents-should-let-teenagers-make-their.html?m=1 Middleearthnj (2010, July 15) Building Confidence in Teens, Message posted to https://middleearthnj.wordpress.com/2010/07/15/building-confidence-in-teens/ Raising Children Network (Australia) Ltd. (2015). Confidence in teenagers. Retrieved November 6th, 2015, from http://raisingchildren.net.au/articles/confidence_teenagers.html Raising Children Network (Australia) Ltd. (2015). Shifting responsibility to your child. Retrieved November 8th, 2015,from http://raisingchildren.net.au/articles/responsibility_teenagers.html Raising Children Network (Australia) Ltd. (2015). Supporting your teenager’s growing independence. Retrieved October 29th, 2015, from www.raisingchildren.net.au.articles/independence_teenagers.html Roberts, G. (2011). Raising confident decision maker. Power to Change: Decision Maker. Retrieved November 8th, 2015, from

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