Teenage Boot Camps - Not The Way To Achieve Discipline

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Boot camps for teenagers have become a popular disciplinary option for parents with adolescent children. Often recommended by counselors or by state justice systems as an alternative to juvenile detention centers, the boot camps are rigid military environments. Some are wilderness camps that teach young people survival skills in a military-like setting, while others are held closer to home. Many are state-run in conjunction with the justice system but many are also privately owned and operated. The boot camps have come under intense scrutiny because of suspicions of abuse and because dozens of teenagers have died of preventable causes at the camps. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) denounced adolescent boot camps because of the problems associated with them and because boot camps are generally unregulated and unsupervised by external inspectors. Unlike the boot camps for adults who consciously enroll in the military, teenage boot camps are highly problematic and ineffective in achieving their goals. Teenagers are being given drugs to treat attention deficit disorder and depression without any long-term evidence such substances are safe on growing brains. Similarly, parents are permitting strangers to control the delicate minds, bodies, and souls of their children in boot camp environments. Boot camps expose children to a host of physical and mental stressors, many of which are deadly. At least three dozen adolescents have died unnecessarily at boot camps and some parents have filed lawsuits (McGraw). Boot camp leaders frequently force the children in their control to do things like run in 100-degree heat without water, while health complaints are ignored and dismissed in the name of tough discipline (McGraw). Parents at a ... ... middle of paper ... ..., who sometimes channel uncomfortable emotions into deviant acts. A structured after-school program or a study-abroad venture may be more fruitful ways of inspiring teenagers to channel their energies into creative pursuits instead of criminal ones. Because of the deaths that have already occurred at teenage boot camps, and because many reputable professional organizations denounce their use, parents should think twice before being seduced by the opportunity to get rid of their troubled teens for a few weeks or months. Even military schools are likely to be ineffective ways of addressing unwanted behaviors in teenagers (CRC Health Group). Boot camps are not monitored by the government or by any reputable organization and are therefore risky alternatives for parents who care for their teenagers. Discipline can be achieved by means other than teenage boot camps.

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