Teen Mom Research Paper

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Teen Moms Around 200,000 children are born to teen mothers around the age of fifteen to nineteen. With teen pregnancy, sixty percent of them result in birth. Eight in ten of the fathers don’t marry the mother and pay less than eight hundred dollars in child care due to being poor himself. School is a problem as teen mothers will drop out and have a harder time finding a job. How society looks at teen mothers is also a problem. Three effects being a teen mother are: education, source of income, and medical complications. Firstly, education is a struggle with being a teen mother. With teens that become pregnant, less than fifty percent of them will graduate from high school. Dropping out from high school as a teenager causes a problem as it will be harder to find a job. Thirty percent of teenage girls drop out of highschool because of teen pregnancy. Having a child while in high school puts the mother in a difficult position because it can cause bullying. Dropping out makes it harder to obtain a higher education. A lower education also makes it harder to raise a child. With teen pregnancy comes a hard time in school. Secondly, a source of income can be hard with limited education. Having little to no money …show more content…

With a teenage pregnancy, it increases the risk of of medical complications in both mother and child. For a child, lack of proper prenatal care sometimes induces complications like high blood pressure, anemia, and premature birth in the baby. Going into the hospital for a regular prenatal checkups isn’t always possible for a teen mother. The baby may suffer from low birth-weight, blindness, deafness and respiratory problems. A baby may be born with a low birth-weight, causes of this are poor eating habits in the mother and smoking and drug abuse. Premature labor is labor that starts before thirty-seven weeks gestation which result in premature babies. With teen births comes medical

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