Teen Activists

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Teen activists work to fight for their cause in different ways. Some of them have support from their parents, some work groups or make organizations, and some just work alone. One of the teen activist that works with her dad is Malala Yousafzai. Malala’s dad was always with her no matter what and even in her interview on the Daily Show, Jon had said that he knows that her dad was backstage. This piece of evidence shows that her dad always stayed with her no matter where Malala went. Malala's dad “was great encouragement for” her “because he...spoke out for women’s right.” This information shows that her dad always was with her although he knew that he could have been killed supporting her daughter. Her dad also cared about his daughter’s …show more content…

An activist who did that was Kylee McCumber who made a team of big kids, a team of little kids and a team of adults who helped make Kid Kits to help feed hungry kids. She had seen many kids eating at school before school started and where she talked to the principal about this matter, she got to know that many kids could not afford to eat at home or they did not have the money to eat at home and could only eat at school. She made a big team to raise money so that she could help feed the kids who are hungry. Kylee McCumber started out with 10 kids and now she feeds 204 which “costs around $900 to provide a full week of food to the kids and that is to get them through Friday and Saturday.” In the video that she had said this you could see Kylee McCumber packing bags of food with her organization to give and deliver to the kids. This is another way that teen activist work to fight for their …show more content…

He was sold when he was really small, so he did it have any parental support or support from anyone he knew. Although he did not have any support when he started protesting he had support from outsiders and when he came to the US he had support from kids at school and other people. Iqbal worked at a carpet factory and “when Iqbal was 10 years old he made up his mind to escape.” When he got out he went to the local police immediately to tell how the owner beat the kids and “unfortunately, the police officer was more willing to receive the ‘finder’s fee’ for escaped slaves and returned Iqbal” to his owner. This fact reveals that although police officers are supposed to help people they showed no support to Iqbal and sent him back to the place with “endured hot, cramped conditions, air filled with wool debris and countless whippings, beatings and cuttings”. This also showed that Iqbal had no support from anyone because nobody gave him a good life and sent him back to work. Although he worked alone at the start, he got support later on which is another way of working for you cause. After Iqbal left the USA, he was shot in front of his grandma’s house because he spoke out against child labor. Although Iqbal knew that it was dangerous to go to Pakistan he wanted to end where he started. After the group of kids in school that Iqbal gave his speech to heard that Iqbal had been assassinated they wanted to do

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