Technology Vs. Technology: Technology's Impact On Family Interaction

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Family vs technology By: Darious .D. Fleming Horry Georgetown Technical College Technology is one thing that is ever changing in today’s society. When the cell phone was first invented it was big and bulky. It could barely fit in your pocket now; cell phones are made thin and small. Before it would have been unusual to see children with cell phones even if they were teenagers now, it’s normal to see those things. Fifty-three percent of the kids six years old have cell phones and seventy-five percent of children twelves to seventeen have cell phones. Technology has far evolved over the last few decades. The evolution of technology has had a major impact on family everyday interaction. It affects the everyday life and the special occasion …show more content…

Technology has impacted family interaction in a positive way but has also impacted in a negative way. Technology has impacted the way that family interacts with each other in a positive way. The first way that technology has positively affected family interaction is that technology has made it safer for children. Technology has made it so that parents can keep track with their kids every move. Almost every child over the age of eight years old has a cell phone. Cells phones can serve a multitude of ways for a parent to protect a child. One way is that with smart phones being everywhere parents can now use the GPS on their child’s phones to see where their children have been or where they are at that moment. That way parents can keep their children out of trouble and make sure they are not somewhere they shouldn’t be. Another way that technology has affected family interaction is with communication. With the technology that families have today, it is much easier for family members to keep in contact with each other. With some family members going to college and other members moving away to start their own families, staying in touch has never been easier. You use to have …show more content…

One way being the way that families communicate back then compared to the way they communicate now. Kids will now text their parents rather than get out the bed and walk down the hall a few feet to their parent’s room. Parents use technology just as much as their children. Now the children are in competition with their parent’s technology for their time and attention. A few years ago families use to gather around their table at dinner time and have a family conversation. They talked about how work may have went that day or the parent will ask their children how school went that day and about their grades. Now technology has changed family dinner. Most families don’t even eat at the table anymore. Now most family eats their dinner in front of the television or at their desk on their computer. There is little talking during dinner now today because the children are too busy playing video games, texting or talking on the phone. Parents are at fault too most of them are on their iPad reading the news, on Facebook, or playing candy crush. Technology has really affected the way that parents interact with their children. Parents now will rather play on their phones, iPad, and other electronic devices than play with their child. The parents sit their children in front of the television with no human interaction. This could lead to the

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