Technology In Ww2 Essay

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World War II was one of the deadliest wars, killing nearly four percent of the world's population. New and very dangerous technology had a great deal in the war .Since previous war’s technology had become more and more advanced leading up to WWII. the had never before seen radar sensors, bombs, submarines, and fighter planes. How did this technology contribute to the US and its Allies during the war? Overall, the technology used in WWII was new, advanced, and ready for fighting. One of the newest and advanced technologies was the radar. The radar was extremely useful for the war effort for the US and Allies to defeat Germany. Scottish physicist Sir Robert Watson-Watt invented the radar in 1935. According to the authors Amy Hackney Blackwell Planes were now in such high demand after the bombing of Pearl Harbor from Japan. “After Japanese bombers attacked Pearl Harbor, the United States Aircraft production skyrocketed producing more than 100,000 planes a year.” (Airplane) The owners of the plane company's such as Boeing instantly became wealthy off the war. Although the plane that caused the most destruction was the Boeing B-29 Superfortress. This plane dropped the atomic bombs on Japan ultimately ending the war. Although planes were used by every country in the war, “Germany and Great Britain were the only nations to have operational jet fighters.” (Airplane) These were the first jets used in war and faster than any other plane used, having a full advantage in the war. Ultimately, planes were one of the biggest steps in technological history for WWII, and won the war for the US and Allies. In final consideration,the technology used in World War II was some of the most advanced for its time. As the Atomic bomb, planes, submarines, and radar where brand new for there time, new technology has been created. People would have never thought of the mass destruction the technology could cause in the few years during WWII, and what lies ahead is even more unimaginable. No matter what, technology will continue on the road of

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