Technology In The Dumbest Generation, By Mark Bauerlein

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We live in a world where things are constantly changing, and are way different now then they were in the past. Almost everyone nowadays has possession of some sort of technological device and it has impacted them hugely. If you don't have any sort of cellular device it's almost as if you suddenly become an outcast. In ¨The Dumbest Generation¨, written by Mark Bauerlein, he clearly states that anyone under the age of 30 years is automatically considered unintelligent and therefore unable to comprehend subjects as easily, so to speak. His opinion or belief can be considered logical because in our current generation technology is being used by almost anyone and everyone and it is not always used in the most fortunate way. Sadly in todayś society, technology isn´t always being used to educate ourselves and it isn't being used to an advantage. According to Bauerlin, he states
Most of them we are surrounded by books that are filled with educational information and we are too blind to see it. In an illustrated cartoon, ¨shelved¨ by Roz Chast, a man is displayed in front of a large number of books on shelves behind him. In these books, you can see different facial expressions that show signs of neglect because they see this man on a laptop. Some books also look like they are sleeping almost as if they are bored because they are now being used by this man who seems more interested in this electronic device than the dozens of books behind him. Also if you pay close attention to the image you can see that the man and laptop, it is smaller in size than the books. This can be implied that books are more important than the latest technology used today (Source 8). This proves how technology is slowly making its way into our system and making us blind to other beneficial objects in our

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