Technology In Richard Restak's Attention Deficit And

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Technology is a terrible joy that has been implemented into our modern society in order for people to create memories, communicate and, to prosper. The use of technology is on the rise causing people to disassociate themselves from the real world which can cause a strain on relationships and the environment. In Richard Restak’s Attention Deficit and Alexandra Samuel’s Plug In Better: A Manifesto both these articles explain the negative impacts that technology has on our minds, the effect it has on our surroundings as well as giving us insight as to why we should disconnect from technology. Due to the constant urge to use technology we yield to set boundaries in which we become heavily involved with what we do online rather than focusing on …show more content…

Even though technology’s purpose in the world was to create an easier means of life, we happen to lose track of time because of the ample uses that technology has. As we venture into a digital world so vast and immensely informative we tend to search for things deemed important such as the things our favorite celebrities are doing, whom your friends crush is or googling why people have test anxiety. The internet for example is capable of bringing forth billions of topics in a matter of seconds. With the implementation of ads and the ability to open multiple tabs and windows, we generally become abstracted and tend to click many links that serves our interest in which we then forget our main purpose for using the internet. Technology can be a time consumer put into place when you are doing something uninteresting therefore causing people to do multiply things, for example doing homework online while being on Facebook can cause a person to take longer with homework instead of finishing in a timely manner. “Commit to a single task on your computer or mobile device, the same way you might commit to an important face-to-face conversation. You can find freedom from distraction on-screen as well as off” (Samuel e-page 32). Samuel states that if people were to treat tasks as if it was an important conversation that …show more content…

With a world sharing their experiences every second of the day as the earth rotates elliptically around the sun, while day turns into night; such posts can heavily affect us and possibly others around. Social Media has managed to evoke emotions such as happiness, sadness, and even jealousy amongst its users. Social media is a very large melting pot of emotions which can be a great thing but what about the negativity, online trollz, and hate? People generally feel the need to disconnect from social media and technology in order to prevent the repercussions that may occur. “The Internet is an incurable condition—but we can’t recognize that as good news until we find a way to treat the various aches and pains of life online” (Samuel e-page 32). Alexandra Samuel states that technology is beneficial to society, but people have not found a way to fix or to prevent the cruelness of the digital world. Technology has been implemented into society as a necessity in which people are not able to live without therefore causing people to become addicted to this digital drug that has created “aches and pains”. A notable problem that exists on social media websites is cyberbullying, the fact that people are not able to express themselves online and have to suffer harsh criticism or conflicting opinions

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