Technology In Brave New World

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One of the most prominent ideas depicted in the novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley is that the concept of technology does not free the individual, but instead enslaves them. This is most obviously portrayed through Theme, Characterization, and Symbolism throughout the novel. This is evident in that one of the major themes in the story is that technology can control society. This is also shown through the characterization of John and Bernard, especially with their contrast to the rest of the characters who do not think as freely as they do due to the control that technology has over them. Lastly, this idea is conveyed through the heavy Symbolism that the fictional drug "Soma" and the treatment of Henry Ford like a god carry, Soma being …show more content…

Soma is a very prominent symbol of the numbing control technology has on the World State population. Soma is a man made drug that causes the user to escape from reality. Without Soma, life in the World State would be even more bland, as it is one of the few sources of entertainment available. Bernard has to take Soma before he can have sex with lenina, something he doesn't want to do. He had to utilize this drug in order to conform to society and be like the others. Normal people use it constantly. It is as if it controls society, very much like other technology in the novel. People (such as John's mom) can even get addicted to Soma, demonstrating it's controlling effect that it can have on people. When John's mom dies (while high on soma) he is very angry and goes on a rampage, throwing someone else's soma rations out the window. He tries to tell them that they can only be free without it, a very good example of how this as well as other technologies enslave and control society. The instant gratification of the drug is a powerful symbol of the influence that science and technology has on the characters of the story. Henry Ford is also a major symbol of technology's control. Society treats for like a god, obviously being controlled and influenced by him. This shows that religion in this world is replaced with worship of technology specifically the efficient, mechanized factory production that Henry Ford …show more content…

Theme is important because of the numerous ways the themes of the story accentuate this idea. One of the themes being that technology controls society. Secondly, characterization is important because of how the author characterizes John and Bernard, making them outcasts that are physically and mentally different from the enslaved society, seeking liberation from it's controlling ways. The way these characters stand out help us to better visualize and understand this idea and how it affects the other, non-unique characters. These elements are key to Aldous Huxley's presentation of the ways that society can be negatively affected by technology that is far too powerful. If impactful technology grows to to level that it is at in this fictional world, eventually society can be so controlled by it that they become like machines themselves, lacking free choice and

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