Taylor Swift Research Paper

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I believe that triviality has a purpose in our utterly serious lives and, because of this, I love Taylor Swift’s music. My first real encounter with Ms. Swift came as a result of a crush I had in high-school. I began listening to Taylor Swift in order to promote similar interests with my crush and catch her fancy, but even as the my childish romance faded, my love of Taylor Swift's music remained. I later learned that I was not the only guy to discover Taylor Swift's music in that way. Indeed, our modern lives would not be the same without Taylor airing the dirty laundry and calling out all her ex-boyfriends through sacchrine and sentemental lyrics. Taylor’s unique blend of country and pop has not only blessed many, but also has guided many …show more content…

Intellectuals rarely philosophize about the nuanced stories she tells. For this reason I best not mince words, Taylor Swift’s music is entirely frivolous. Her music panders to the lowest denominator, playing with the passions of the impressionable by conveying base, yet relatable emotions that grab our attention. All of the the love songs Taylor sings perpetuate an ideal of puppy love and childlike romance and, accordingly, many have called her out on her lack of nuance. Taylor, however, has not tried to pull the wool over my eyes as her intentions are perfectly clear; Taylor Swift is a pop star, no more, no less. Her music lacks depth because I and all her fans don’t desire anything deeper. And is that really a problem? Even when we are full grown and living by ourselves, we all keep a part of our childhood within ourselves, especially the innocent part of us that first fell in love. Life is hard and people are confusing; we need an emotional outlet to free ourselves from everyday struggles. In Taylor Swift's music, I see a more simple world where love is simple and I am always the most sympathetic character of the

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