Tattoos Should Be Allowed In The Workplace Essay

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Susan is finally off work and her boss hands her, her paycheck. “Thank goodness its Friday.” She relies. But wait; her paycheck is $100.00 short! What is her first instinct? Go straight to her boss in the morning and demand to know what is going on right? Employees always expect management to do their job and no if’s and’s or but’s. But what about when Susan’s employer wants her to follow their rules, but she push back and argues with them because she don’t agree. Is that fair? Is that a good work ethic? For instance when her employer asks her to cover up a small tattoo on her neck with a band-aid, but she is continuously caught with it uncovered? She thinks they are trying to be hard on her. They are trying to take away her ability to express herself she tells them. But she is wrong. Employers should be able to discriminate against employees who have tattoos and piercings in the workplace because the employee sets the tone and environment of the workplace, not everyone thinks body modification is socially acceptable, and because employees are being paid to work for and follow the rules of their employer. Is it acceptable to walk into a restaurant and the cashier is laughing with the other employees and hardly paying attention to the order they are taking? No, it gives …show more content…

Some people get offended by tattoos, some people think they are gruesome, and some think that they are fascinating. There are many things that are not socially acceptable that many employers don’t allow, like sagging of the pants, certain clothing, even facial hair sometimes. In the journal, Attitudes toward and stereotypes of persons with body art: implications for marketing management the authors say studies have shown that “21.6 percent agree tattoos are indicative of a “partying lifestyle.” 57.6 percent agree tattoos have a “bad Image.” And that 85.3 percent agree that the number of tattoos make a difference in how he/she is perceived by

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