Tattoo Informative Essay

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Many people have gotten tattoos in recent years and now they have decided that they have outgrown them for different reasons. Some people have had other peoples names tattooed on them, such as a wife or girlfriends, only to end up divorced several years later and now need to have it removed.

While it is never a good idea to get a tattoo you are not prepared to live with the rest of your life, people think of a marriage and a tattoo as a lifelong commitment, only to find that both are not. That's where they want to know the answer to that question they have been thinking about for some time, how much does tattoo removal cost?

Many people do not think about the removal of the tattoo at the time they are getting one. In their younger years, …show more content…

Both of these can also be painful and expensive, depending on how deep and what colors are used in the tattoo. Many commercial tattoo parlors use vivid colors and deep penetration, so it may be hard to remove the tattoo.

An age-old method is salabrasion that involves salt water and abrading the tattoo surface. Not only is this method painful, it tends to leave a scar and not totally fade a tattoo, so you end up with a distorted tattoo that is worse than what you started with.

There are newer methods of tattoo removal that are not painful and can be done at home, over several weeks consistently and fade the tattoo through skin tissue regeneration and biochemical peels. This is becoming a popular method that is more affordable, safer, and easier to do at home, before taking any drastic surgical or dermatological methods.

How much does tattoo removal cost? You first need to try the most affordable and least painful method before committing to other procedures that your insurance will not cover. Maybe getting the tattoo was a mistake to begin with, but don't make more mistakes by paying a lot of money for methods that may still not totally remove the

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