Taser Use Guidelines

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1. Philosophy There has recently been a demand for the use of less than lethal weapons in the community, and country at large. To meet this demand, the Asheville Police Department will be adopting the use of Tasers. Though Tasers are potentially lethal, they can be used more safely that a handgun, yet are more incapacitating than chemical spray. The use of Tasers will be explained with training as technology and laws progress. The most important thing is that the use of Tasers always falls within the law. Any actions taken should be proportionate to the situation, and the use of force should be no more than what is absolutely necessary. Officers must be prepared to show that they acted reasonably and justly. They must stay within the boundaries of use of force, and take responsibility for their actions. Similarly, superiors must also show justification for any decision or action. 2. Training Tasers are a fairly new weapon and there are many misconceptions about their use. Therefore all officers will receive extensive training. In order to stay abreast...

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