Tartuffe Character Essay

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In the play Tartuffe, by Moliere, utilizes the personality of different characters to create an arena of unique characters. Through each character a new perspective is viewed through their actions and dialogue. In the play, the character developments are different with the individuals. Tartuffe and Orgon experienced a transformation in their devolvement’s as a strong character to a weak-willed and vice versa. Whereas, Elmire and Dorine remain constant strong independent female, against society’s view on women and class. Moliere’s formation of their development provides an insight of human flaws. In Moliere’s play, Tartuffe, creates an arena of diverse characters that experience internal and external issues set by themselves and society. Tartuffe is a character in control of the action and information in the play. His name itself defines as “The Imposter” or “The Hypocrite.” Tartuffe’s character is established in the beginning of the play before he is introduced. In Act 1, Scene1, Dorine calls him a …show more content…

He is a clever and conniving character who can don any prose and become skilled at it. As a religious zealot, he convinces the man of the house, Orgon and Madam Pernelle, that he is devoutly pious. As in the scene between Orgon and Dorine, Orgon is told that his wife, Elmire, “had a bad fever/ And a fierce headache which refused to leave her,” where Orgon responds “Ah. And Tartuffe.” Though his wife is ill, Orgon is concerned by the state of Tartuffe. The conversation did not mention his name, rather Orgon is so entrapped by Tartuffe he is encapsulated by him. Tartuffe skillfully convinced Orgon is deluded by his presence. Though it is obvious to the audience and the reader, Tartuffe is far from humble or religious. His superiority lies in his ability to accurately analyze the weaknesses of

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