Tameside Staff Engagement Paper

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Tameside Trust Tameside Hospital is a National Health Service hospital run by Tameside Hospital NHS Foundation Trust that serves the neighbouring area of Tameside in Greater Manchester (Trust, 2015). The hospital provides a wide array of healthcare services which includes specialised surgeries, obstetric services and paediatric services and employees more than of 2,300 staff members (Trust, 2015). Some of the Trust’s main stakeholders are North West Ambulance Service, Private Finance Initiative (PFI) Partners, Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council, as well as staff, patients, and managers (Trust, 2015). Tameside’s mission statement is “Everyone Matter’s at Tameside. Our aim is to deliver, with our partners, safe, effective and personal care, …show more content…

It impacts the hospital’s prosperity and productivity immensely and if employee engagement is strong it results in a more productive workforce, higher job satisfaction and moral, higher retention, better skilled staff, lower absentee rates and better patient loyalty and satisfaction. Tameside hospital has aspects of their approach to staff engagement that have high performance rates (which they need to maintain) and aspects that were lower in performance which need drastic improvements to have a more productive hospital. Progressive staff engagement and development not only benefits the staff at the hospital but leads to a better experience and service for patients, which ultimately benefits the stakeholders and the organisation as a …show more content…

Some aspects of staff engagement at Tameside Trust that performed worse than the other NHS Acute Trusts are the percentage of staff receiving job-relevant training, learning or development in last 12 months, over worked staff, effective team working, and percentage of staff reporting errors, near misses or incidents witnessed in the last month (James & Connellan, 2014). These performance rates are low for elements that are vital in providing internal strength in the organisation. Staff training is hugely important to an organisation and is a reflection of

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