Tamara Draut's Decision To Go To College

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The biggest decision students are facing nationwide is making the decision to go to college. Tamara Draut mentions how, depressing, the cost of tuition expand each year, making enrolling in a four-year institution practically exclusive to only the affluent. Draut does cover the topic of financial aid and how it aid the less fortunate but it doesn’t make higher edification any more affordable to the masses. Therefore, since the socioeconomic gap continuously grows, security for a middle-class student, which is earning a four-year degree, is now diminishing because of the expense to actually achieve the degree. Tamara Draut uses logos by expanding on statistics and percentages. For example, people with some college experience can expect to earn $1.5 million whereas with an Associate-degree they can expect to earn $1.6 million. Also, people with a Bachelor’s degree can expect to earn $2.1 million, people with a Master’s degree can expect to earn $2.5 million and with a Professional degree they can expect to …show more content…

For most people, it is the only factor. Unfortunately, the first question middle-class and low-income families ask about a school is how much it is because of the insane burden that college loans place on the student and their family. With the profoundly competitive job market as well as the excruciating competition between college students, as long as tuition rates continuous to gain, the economic classes will grow further and further apart. In the nineteenth century, there were genuinely only two classes: the upper class and the lower class. It seems to me that anon enough, there will no longer be a middle class predicated on the economy and competition alone. The lower class cannot get ahead because they do not have the mazuma to; especially when college is incredibly expensive. The upper class will perpetuate to get ahead because they have enough mazuma to do with it whatever they

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