Taking Life For Granted

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Thesis: What all do you miss out on when you start to take life for granted? If you can answer that question than you’re not taking life for granted, But if your answer is you don’t know, than you need to start looking in front of you and to stop looking behind. The most common things we take for granted food, water, a home to live in, and most importantly families and friends.
We spend a lengthy amount of time focusing on what we did in the past and not what we will do in the present.. So when we start to live in the present, and start to want what we have, help others, and seize the day, then we can start see what we have been missing all along.
Story 1

My First story is about my mom. She told me that it was really hard to …show more content…

I felt angry that this was happening to me, and i started to take everyone i knew for granted. I would have people walk up to me and say how sorry they are, how it should've never happened, that it wasn't fair, and if i needed anything than let them know. But i just shut everyone out, even the one i needed the most, my mom. And before.
I ruined friendships that i needed, lost respect for myself, and all of this happened because i realized that from the beginning of my memories with my dad, i would take him for granted especially the last month with him. And now i could never go back and appreciate everything he had done. All i could do was to blame myself for his death because i couldn’t apologize to him. I didn’t even get to see him before he died and his last words to me was i love you and all i could reply is bye. And he was in the hospital because of my brother and i.
His medication the doctor gave him made him act different and he tried to get off of it instantly when we told him we didn’t like the way he was acting; he was always sad. But by doing that caused major side effects. so He was in the hospital having withdrawals and at first i blamed him, he ruined the weekend we had planned,and than i didn’t see him for 2 weekends. the weekend before he died he called me and asked if i would come visit, but i was still …show more content…

Because when all of these steps have been accomplished, then that when you start to notice someone's true beauty and perfection in their own way, that also when you start to notice it about yourself. Now i want you all to think in your head. If you had no arms or legs would you be grateful, would you be yourself, and would you take life for granted, also that this is the best you that you can be? Most of you probably answered no, but that's because we are thinking of all we wouldn’t be able to do, instead of an amazing thing that e all could do. And that's to be a inspiration to

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