TSA Precheck: A Short Story

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Walking into a building that was as tiny as a bug, my stomach started to feel uneasy. As I looked around at the security guards watching every move I made, I knew this would be the hardest goodbye. The uncomfortable chairs, silent tv, and unbearable smell of coffee were NOT helping either. As we approached my brother, he softly said to us, “I’ve been here since 5:30 and they said my flight won’t leave until 2:30, but I get TSA Precheck because I’m in the military.” “Does that mean WE have to stay here until 2:30?” I asked unenthusiastically. “Yes, but don’t you wanna spend time with your AWESOME brother before he leaves for 4 months?” he responded sarcastically. A couple of hours had passed of watching the quiet tv and a frequent “BEEP!!”

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