TOK essay

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Nowadays, individuals rarely look back at previously held forms of knowledge. It was back in the 1940s that lobotomy was a mainstream procedure in which connections of the prefrontal cortex were cut and scraped away in an attempt to treat certain psychotic conditions in suffering patients. This neurosurgical procedure had serious side effects including the deterioration of a person’s personality and ability to function. Thus, in the mid-1950s, lobotomy procedures declined as medical advancements led to the antipsychotic medicines that are still used in present-day society. Today, the concept of lobotomy as part of human science is practically discarded in conventional medicine. This emphasizes the way in which knowledge continuously fluctuates with changes in time, and thus, can sometimes not be accepted by society. It is important not to generalize that ‘all knowledge is discarded with time’. Rather, it applies to instances in which a previously accepted fact or belief in a certain area of knowledge such as the human sciences is deemed invalid and thus, discarded. Essentially, knowledge encompassing previously held facts or beliefs may eventually be discarded for various reasons such as that of controversy, shifts in time, or scientific advancements. This can be related to the knowledge issue; ‘to what extent is knowledge in the areas of the natural sciences and ethics invalidated by emotion, sense perception, language, and reason’.
Many theories accepted as knowledge in the natural science of astronomy are readily discarded. For instance, an ancient Greek astronomer known as Galileo developed the theory that the earth is the center of the universe. Although it was initially believed to be true by some, it was discarded as a...

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... areas of knowledge such as the Ethics or human sciences, it is a more complex situation. When knowledge is discarded it is deemed invalid by society and thus, not used anymore. However, although society in general may discard a specific knowledge, certain people may still apply that knowledge. For example, if a certain country were to ban a particular religion, it does mean that all members will adhere to it. In fact, the majority may discard the religion as knowledge, however, a minority may still practice the religion. Thus, this poses a conflict with the knowledge issue as it is subjective and thus, is based on a more personal and tailored preference. All in all, with the supporting scenarios in the Natural Sciences and Ethics it is evident that knowledge is sometimes discarded over time. After all, today’s knowledge may be discarded by tomorrow’s generation.

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