Arguments Against Systemic Racism

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Systemic Racism especially against blacks are a huge problem in society today and throughout history. African Americans have been oppressed for over 400 years. They are one of the poorest races in America due to Systemic Racism. Is systemic racism a thing? Systemic Racism is a form of racism expressed in the practice of social and political institutions, as distinct from racism by individuals or informal social groups. On July 2, 1964, the Civil Rights Act was signed into law, officially banning discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. It also ended racial segregation in schools, at the workplace and in general public facilities. If this act banned discrimination, why is there still systemic racism? Still over …show more content…

Some people may argue that they support the confederate flag, not because they’re racist, but some reason that they have ancestors whom fought for the confederacy and some are from the south and grew with the confederate flag. This may be true, all people who bang the confederate flag aren’t racist, but it is indeed a white supremacy flag. One man made it known that the confederate flag is a racist flag. On June 2015 a man took nine lives at a Church, a predominantly black church in South Carolina, who revealed the pain and suffering that someone motivated by hate can cause. The shooter was Dylann Roof, who was a white supremacist who supported the confederate flag. What does white supremacy have to do with systemic racism? You may ask, well basically white supremacy groups think that whites are most important to any race especially blacks.
Systemic racism is basically the same but systemic racism is just making sure the white race is high and has more education and jobs. American society and the political system both hate groups and systemic racism has created, do not value black lives the same as white lives. Some don’t have the knowledge to know what they are doing, and don’t realize that what they’re doing is wrong. In this case black and whites see race differently. Since the civil rights movement, …show more content…

I know systemic racism is real because of some I’ve witness and the research I have been shown. This is important because, the declaration of independence says that all men are created to be treated equally, and because we do as much As whites do and live in the same country and made the same way. The only differences are our skin colors. To sum it up systemic racism is really a thing because how blacks are treated from whites in jobs, education and in jail this is still a problem because no one will stand up for our right, especially when half of America are supremacist and the other half believe that this doesn’t exist. Denying the existence of systemic racism is wrong and until all races know that this exist, blacks will protest and make sure it’s known around the world. We all should let the past go and move on to the

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