Systematic Desensitization

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Systematic desensitization, also known as graduated exposure therapy which was developed by Wolpe, is one of the most effective method for reducing phobias, fears, and other anxiety disorders. This therapy uses counter-conditioning, a reverse classical conditioning technique, to unlearn or reduce the intensity of a conditioned response by establishing a new relaxation response to the conditioned stimulus gradually. Due to the fact that relaxation is incompatible with anxiety and fear, it then follows that relaxation response can counter fearful response. For Chandler to overcome his phobia of dogs, three critical concepts of systematic desensitization must be taken into account namely: relaxation training, fear hierarchy, and reciprocal inhibition. …show more content…

Chandler will be presented with the least anxiety provoking activity while practicing the relaxation techniques as he goes up the fear hierarchy. When Chandler can remain relaxed while the first stimulus is presented, he then gradually proceeds to the next stimuli. For example, Chandler already succeeded in looking at a picture of the dog while staying calm. He can now move on to watching a television show involving dogs. If Chandler becomes upset with a stimuli, he can go back to the earlier stage to recover from fear and be in a relaxed state once again. For example, Chandler becomes really uncomfortable while petting the dog. He can move back to the earlier stage of walking the dog with a dog walker. Chandler will continue to move up until he completely does all items in the fear hierarchy without evoking anymore anxiety or fear. By surpassing this session, the therapist can conclude that the therapy of dog phobia using systematic desensitization has …show more content…

Most people, with phobias such as fear of animals, clowns, and closed spaces and so on, have always tried to avoid the feared stimuli which can reduce anxiety but only temporarily. In systematic desensitization, on the other hand, the feared stimuli is directly confronted which leads to a more stable and permanent treatment. Generalizability as a concept is also put into account because not only will Chandler face a German Shepherd but also other dogs along the process. Common problems that may arise in the learning program would be the length of time the research requires, wrong order of placement in the levels of hierarchy, and the persistent level or anxiety after numerous cycles. Systematic desensitization may take 6-8 sessions on average depending on the severity of the phobia. It is labor intensive and time consuming. In addition, due to the process controlled by the patient, there may be wrong placements of the orders of hierarchy which can lead to low levels of anxiety in the succeeding stages and constancy of the phobia even after countless trials and cycles. Therefore, the patient must be keen while creating and rating his/ her own fear

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