Summary Of The Movie 'What About Bob'

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In the movie, “What About Bob”, the character Bob Wiley displays many different psychological symptoms and disorders. He displays symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and agoraphobia, predominately. Bob is a middle-aged man that has been in therapy for many, many years. The opening scene of the movie shows the audience many of Bob's disorders, as well as symptoms. It appears as though Bob’s current therapist is attempting to get away from Bob, by pushing him on to his colleague, Dr. Marvin. The movie then goes on to describe Bob’s journey with his new therapist, Dr. Marvin. Bob Wiley displays many different characteristics and symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Obsessions are “persistent thoughts, ideas, impulses, or images that seem to invade the person’s consciences”, while compulsions are “repetitive and rigid behaviors or mental acts that people feel they must perform in order to prevent or reduce anxiety” (Comer, 2015). Bob is very concerned and worried about germs. He uses a kleenex whenever he needs to open a door. He informs Dr. Marvin, that “I worry about diseases so i have trouble touching things”. Bob’s Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can be explained through the behavioral perspective. Many behavioralists are very concentrated on explaining the …show more content…

In this treatment, “clients are repeatedly exposed to objects or situations that produce anxiety, obsessive fears, and compulsive behaviors, but they are told to resist performing the behaviors they feel so bound to preform” (Comer, 2015). Individuals going through this treatment will often find it extremely difficult to resist the urge to preform these compulsions, or behaviors, therefor the therapist will often be the first to set this example. This treatment can be conducted in an individual, or group

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